Stiletto Steps

shoes 2


I don’t know about you, but I love collecting shoes! I began wearing a small high heal when I was 11 1/2. That is when my fascination with high heals began. I don’t know if it was that high heals made me feel more grown up or taller. I think I had a shoe addiction since before I could even walk! Shoes have always been my thing since I can remember. As I look through old albums I realized that as a baby I always had cute and funky shoes. The picture below is of me when I was a few months old wearing some funky red marryjanes.Capture




This shoes addiction has lead me through a massive collection of shoes. I always thought shoes were eternal and would last a life time, but in reality every shoes life comes to an end. I think shoes back in the 70’s lasted longer. My grandfathers ex wife handed me a few pairs of 70’s shoe’s that seemed in mint condition. Over the past few years I learned that shoes don’t really last very long even the expensive ones. With todays fast fashion many shoes are only a fad and if you store them they get ruined. I learned this over a year ago because I had moved and refused to unpack my stuff because I was going to move back to LA. Anyhow when I finally moved back to LA I realized that many of my shoes have ruined. So how do you know when to toss a shoe or send it to the shoe repair man? Simple if on your heal you can see the silver nail then its time to either toss the shoe or fix the taps with the replacement. This Usually happens when the weight on one of our foots is heavier than the other. Meaning that you lean your weight more on the right side or the left side. Depending on the shoes price you can figure out if its worth tossing or restoring. If it will cost you more than the price of the shoe to fix it TOSS it! Another great factor to determine if its time to toss the shoe is if the adhesive on the shoe is not sticking. Trust me this is the time you should toss the shoe because having floppy shoe bottoms is not cute. If the straps on your heals have come un attached toss! If the sole of your shoe has come detached toss! I had a cute pair of shoes that I loved so much ruin because the sole had become detached. It was soooo embarrassing that I almost fell! I bought these shoes at a second hand store and apparently the person who sold them to the co op had just glued them! SO NOT COOL because I almost ate it that night.  This teaches me to leave it to an expert to fix the shoe and skip the crazy glue .So I leave you dolls with this picture of a trade show I attended in LA.